What Makes Today So Special?

Mimm Patterson
2 min readApr 2, 2021

What makes today so special? What makes any day special? Is it the blinding blue or grey torrents of rain? Maybe the four mourning doves who have found their way to my home, who have sat in my potted herb garden — have shat in it, too — and eaten my thyme. Maybe that’s what makes today special.

I’ll go for a walk later, toward end of day when the blue turns pearly and pink through the branches of the redwood trees. It’s the time of day that dogs are walked and children run in circles as if life were to be lived with reckless abandon. Sweaty and red faced they won’t notice the cool breeze blowing in from the Pacific but I’ll be wrapped in my favorite sweater.

If, while I’m on this walk, I look toward Santa Cruz, I’ll see pure white pillows of fog folding over the mountains and slipping down between the mountains and the valleys. It’s my favorite thing. A beauteous thing.

After I’m home and have had a bowl of soup I’ll step out onto the mirpesset to watch the full moon rise over the buildings of this town. Its light reflecting back to me the stories of everyone who has ever looked up and dreamed. I’ll look for the planets, lined up like soldiers across the ecliptic plane. Not long ago Jupiter and Saturn were so close they almost kissed. And before that Mars, all bold and red, was as big as I’d ever seen. Before I go back in I’ll take a moment to marvel at the stars I can see and to wonder if anyone is marveling at me.



Mimm Patterson

Yoga therapist, transformational life coach with a passion for helping people move toward a creative engagement with life through movement, dialogue & craft.